Full Service Restaurants
Full-service restaurants process enormous amounts of food every day to keep ingredients fresh, shelves stocked, and plates full. Unfortunately, large amounts of cardboard, plastics, compost and trash come out the back of the restaurant, costing the operator $1,000s. The solution to effectively reducing and managing this waste is simpler than you think. Our proven trash/recycling/composting equipment and waste management expertise allows restaurants to save 35 - 75 % on waste management costs. Not only can our equipment help restaurants turn would-be-wasted food into compost, it can also enable restaurants to save money on trash hauling and labor. With the right equipment and an expert-informed waste management approach, restaurants can save time, labor, space and money while significantly reducing their carbon emmissions too!
35 - 75% on Average.
Emissions Savings
60 - 80% Savings Per Month